Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Big And Tall Dress Shirts Houston - FestariForMen.Com

Mens Dress Shirts Online Houston, 713-626-1234, Mens dress shirts online Houston are of a much greater quality when made from scratch by bespoke tailor #1TX
One of the hallmarks of fine mens dress shirts online Houston is a collar with a removable collar stay. You can count on having impeccable appearance in your made-from-scratch shirt from Festari for Men, including collars that don’t roll up or curl at the ends.
Custom dress shirts always have gauntlet or placket buttons, the small buttons which are halfway up the forearm. Remember that all buttons on a shirt should be buttoned when you’re wearing them, with the possible exception of the cuffs when wearing a jacket, which is a style choice.
Contact Us:
Address: 1800 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 6160 Houston Tx 77056
Phone: 713-626-1234
Business Hours: (MON-SAT) 10am – 6:00pm (SUN)  By appointment.

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